2020 Show Meeting Via Zoom

Since we can’t gather in person this year, let’s connect via Zoom during the Virtual Stamp Show.

Topic: APS WU#30 Meeting
Time: Aug 18, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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2020 Hall of Fame Inductees

Philip Silver 1910-1999

Philip Silver lived in New York City, and was an outstanding collector, student, writer, and editor on aerophilately. Although he pursued many philatelic areas, his major contributions were in the study of U.S. airmail stamps and postal history.

“Phil” was an active member of the American Air Mail Society, serving as its president (1977-19). He was president (1960-62) and vice president (1957-59) of Aero Philatelists, Inc. His airmail collections won many national and international awards, including gold medals at exhibitions held by FISA (Federation International Societies Aerophilateliques).

Among his many literary activities were his contributions to the Sanabria Air Mail Catalogue and Scott’s Specialized U.S. Catalogue. He chaired the Government Flights Section of the American Air Mail Catalogue. He edited The Aerophilatelists Annals for many years.

Silver received the Richard S. Bohn Memorial Award from Aero Philatelists, Inc. in 1965; the Gatchell Literature Award from AAMS in 1978; the Award for Contributions to Aerophilately from the Metropolitan Air Post Society 1971; and the FISA Medal in 1978.

During his long membership in the Collectors Club of New York, he was treasurer, secretary, vice president, president, and trustee, the only member to hold every office. He was vice president of ANPHILEX ‘71, celebrating the 75th anniversary of CCNY. It presented him its Lichtenstein Memorial Award in 1972.

Silver coauthored with Jan Bart, Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt Stamps of the World (1965) for the American Topical Association. He was a frequent judge at national and FISA exhibitions. He was a trustee of the Philatelic Foundation.

Silver signed the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in 1978. In 1979, the APS presented him the Luff Award for Distinguished Philatelic Research.

Richard Sine

Richard Sine’s career in philatelic writing, editing and publishing has been a lengthy and prolific one.
  • Author of articles in the American Philatelist, Linn’s Stamp News, and U.S. Stamps & Postal History.
  • Editor of many books and catalogs.
  • Author of the highly popular book Stamp Collecting for Dummies (2001) and Intermediate Stamp Collecting Parts I and II, Pennsylvania State University correspondence course.
  • Authored the weekly stamp column in the New York Times (1984-1985).
  • Author of Encyclopedia of U.S. Postage Stamps CD-ROM in three editions (third was in 1995) which sold more than 40,000 units.
  • Editor of many philatelic journals and other publications including the American Philatelist (1976-1985), Confederate Philatelist (2006-onward), First Days (2007-2010), and Scott Stamp Monthly.
  • Co-Editor of Sanabria Airmail Catalogue North America (1995).
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of AMERIPEX 86 and Publications Director (including the exhibition catalog).
  • Owner of Imperial Albums in the 1980s.
  • Owner of Envision (on-demand publishing with 12 titles published).
  • Executive Editor, Novus Debut (publisher of Minkus line).
  • Founder/developer of Netstamps e-zine (online philatelic magazine) 1995-1997.
  • Editorial Director of Scott Publishing Co. 1985-1992, with responsibility for many volumes and editions of the U.S. Specialized Catalogue, Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, U.S. Stamp Pocket Catalogue and Checklist, Scott by Topic Annual, and Scott Checklists of Australia, France, and New Zealand.
  • Co-founder and developer of AskPhil, 1999-onward, sponsored by the Collectors Club of Chicago website that had more than 200,000 visitors per year, and has answered more than 16,000 email submitted questions.
He has edited more than three dozen books and currently is an active contract technical writer. He was awarded the APS Century Award in 1978.

Richard Sine works from his home office in Fort Mill, SC.