APS Writers Unit #30, publishes The Philatelic Communicator four times a year. A subscription to TPC is included with dues paid by members of the unit. Input from Writers Unit #30 members and others interested in philatelic communication is essential to keep the journal viable.
Manuscripts are solicited on subjects of interest to writers, editors and publishers of all forms of philatelic literature. All submissions for publication, without exception, are subject to being edited. Opinions expressed in The Philatelic Communicator are those of their authors, and not necessarily of APS Writers Unit #30, its officers, editor, publisher or agents. Letters received by the editor may be published unless labeled Not for Publication. Submissions should be sent to the editor via email. All editorial matters must be handled by the editor.
Deadlines for receipt of copy for the editor:
Quarter | Date |
1st Quarter | February 15 |
2nd Quarter | May 15 |
3rd Quarter | August 15 |
4th Quarter | November 15 |
Slots wihout a link below mean that journal does not exist for that quarter.